Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spidey Senses

Marcus is loving his Spiderman ski mask I made.  As soon as I showed him a picture he wanted it. When I didn't finish it that day he actually cried himself to sleep.  awwwwwww baby!  Kids have no idea of time.  I tried to explain the "3 more sleeps" concept, but he either didn't get it or didn't care.  The cynic in me is inclined to assume the latter.  HAHA  Pre-babies, I used to think that cartoons were just being funny with the repetitive questions.

"mommy?  mommy? mommy? mommy? mommy? mommy?"


"is it ready yet? how about now? how about now? how about now?"

It's real.  And only funny when it's not directed at you.

At first glance, one of my family asks, why did you make him a robber's mask?  LMAO!  Really??  Oh old people...gotta love'em.  I explained it's a guy in one of Marcus' shows (gotta keep it simple).  Marcus' likes robbers? No. No.  It's a super-hero.   A robber that's a super-hero?  That doesn't make sense. (You're telling me?)

I totally want to make another one for Marcus when I get more yarn.  Blue one with pointy ears and black outline for the eyes  - BATMAN!  or maybe red with gold out outline for the eyes - IRON MAN!  Now, just to convince The Husband to buy some yarn to make our son happy.  How can he say no to that?!  Also, on the list from my lovely niece is a sock monkey.  I found a sock monkey hat and matching scarf pattern.  Now, to surf the net for a sock monkey doll pattern!

I know of one mom who makes really cool stuff and sells them so she can stay home with her kids.   Hope to get there.  Would love to afford to stay home.   One day.

It feels AMAZING to see the joy in my son's eyes when he woke up to it.  I worked on it all day and into the late night non-stop, but it was worth it.  He hugged me!  Said he loved me!  and put it on right away.  Now he wants mittens to match so he can 'climb walls', as he puts it.  I'm sure in his world he'll have it when he comes back this afternoon.

Yikes!  Better start crack-a-lackin'

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  1. Can I get a Spider-Thief mask too?

  2. [...] quick.  I prefer to crocheting.   For me, it’s faster and easier.  I recently crocheted a Spiderman ski mask for The Boy.  He loved it and it has been super useful during this cold snap.  I bought the right [...]
