Companies buy commercial air time to be exposed to their target market for their product. Well, watch any Treehouse or Disney TV and the commercials are mesmerizing. I see my son's pupil dilate and the "I want that" begins. Even for the Strawberry Shortcake dolls.
When I signed Marcus up for some extra activities to take him to while I'm on maternity leave, there was so much to choose from. I wanted to choose just a few so he can be exposed to different activities and figure out what he likes, but not too many where it's hectic. Ballet was one that I wanted to stick him in. All the males in my family were not very supportive. Not my father, husband, or brothers. Jeeze. A man who knows how to move on the dance floor is hawt, right?!
How about if he chooses to become a nurse? Although giggles were had in "Meet the Fockers" where Greg is stigmatized for being a nurse and not a doctor in the movie, I'm sure it's not that far off in real life.
Be it toys, activities, careers, I won't even get into dressing (the 80s was quite the mascara era for boys and girls alike), males seem to get the short end of the stick. If a girl plays with 'boy' toys, then she's a tomboy, but if a boy plays with 'girl' toys he's called a sissy.