Sunday, April 3, 2011
Victims of Rape are NEVER to Blame
Today, Toronto, Ontario, Canada held a ‘SlutWalk’, attracting 1500 participants that was sparked by an officer that told a York University law class on Jan. 24 that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” There’s tons of quotes that were documented in the news, but one in part in particular that also outraged me was by Police Chief Bill Blair. “I don’t think the officer meant any offense,”.
The cop who said it is dead wrong, but the fact that the police chief sweeps it under the rug that he didn’t mean any offense and that the officer is “inexperienced” and added that he uttered “something stupid and he’s apologized” just condones this type of outdated, ridiculous, outrages, condescending attitude. He has put words to his assumptions about victims who have been raped. And his boss who sets the tone for the organization gives it a ‘boys will be boys’ juvenile acceptance.
This is not a passing attitude lately. Florida Republican State Representative Kathleen Passidomo said:
“There was an article about an 11-year-old girl who was gang raped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed like a 21-year-old prostitute. And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it’s incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn’t happen to our students.” (quoted from the
I don’t care what the hell someone is wearing no one wants to be raped. If it was their daughter, sister, aunt, mom, grandmother, or friend, would they still feel the same way? The fact that they utter those words proves their true feelings, assumptions, and misconceptions about why woman are raped. These idiots are the ones who hold power after the horrific ordeal. They are the ones who make the laws that the idiots have to follow. This is a trickle effect that I thought was eradicated.
Currently in the trial of Christopher Hurd who brutally raped Loretta Lavalley pleaded guilty of murdering her, but not to first-degree murder (intent to kill). This poor woman's rape was recorded for 18 minutes during her 911 call and her screams, pleading for her life, and even the police banging on the door are recorded. His defense is that he was under the influence of drugs. You spoke to police officer just minutes before you committed the heinous crime! You were sober and coherent enough to explain yourself. Someone please kill this guy.
Woman, as far as you think we have evolved in society, think again. A 14-yr old girl was charged with adultery, not rape, and was lashed to death in Bangladesh. It was only 92 years ago, in 1918, when women had the same voting rights as men in federal elections.
I am quite passionate of my disdain for the attitudes and actions that condone rape. I was ranting to a few fellows I know, and they tried to agree that the officer meant to warn the young university girls, and he was not a total a-hole. Their comparison was someone should not pin $100 dollar bills to their body and walk down a ghetto area at 3am and think they won’t be robbed. Really?! OMG!
Let’s focus our energy on telling men to keep their penis in their pants, and when someone says NO, it means NO. If the person is underage, yes still means no. They are too young to consent. It gave me the creeps when I was young and some “old” man would check me out. It’s not a compliment you dirty mofo. And if someone is so intoxicated, their yes, should mean no to you. Their silence from being passed out is no.
Teach your sons. School your brothers Do not sit silently when you hear your buddies joke. Rape is not joke.
Over Scheduled
I don’t recall the obscene amount of homework in elementary school as they have today. I see my niece have homework everyday and she’s only in grade 2! We gradually got into ballet, jazz, gymnastics, piano lessons, and guitar lessons. Not all
Allergic Reaction
Scary. If it is only one word I could use to describe seeing my baby’s eyes start to swell, red blotches appear on his cheeks, neck, arms, behind his ears, around his lips and the irritable crying and scratching of his face.
It couldn’t be the banana. He’s had it before. Not his favourite compared to the sweet potato, but he didn’t have a reaction like this. If I was to play Columbo (he was an old detective from a show back in the day), I would deduce that it was the Milupa rice cereal that I mixed in with the banana. It was the first time that I’ve used it. When I introduced rice cereal for the first time before, I used a different brand. Gerber I think. I can’t recall since it was my mom who did some grocery shopping for me for a couple of weeks while I had both kids and Franklin was going through his complications.
Considering Franklin had allergies when he was young (he grew out of all of them, but he did have to take allergy needles once a week for several years) I have been following the general rule when introducing food to your baby. Feeding him one food every 4-7 days to see if there is a reaction before introducing a new food. Once all foods (except honey, peanuts, high nitrate vegetables, etc) are sampled, you can start combining foods. Then the flavour bonanza really begins.
But, I digress. We first called Emergency. Then they directed us to telehealth (1-866-797-0000) to speak to a registered nurse to help us decipher if we should go to Emergency, doctor’s office, or stay put. Since his breathing did not seem impaired and after several other questions, she recommended giving him Benedryl. We decided to go to the doctor’s office. Emergency would be several hours, his breathing did not seem impaired, his lips were not turning blue, and I wanted to at least have a medical professional see him.
As soon as he saw him, our doctor said ordered for us to have him tested for allergies right away and get him some benedryl. Stop feeding him bananas, the new rice cereal, and avocado (he had some a little bit of blotches on his skin). Seeing him in the daylight, he looked worse that I thought. Both of his eyes were red and swollen. But, at least he was not crying and was laughy baby again. The doctor said to give him 7ml. The benedryl bottle said 2.5ml/dose. We gave him 5ml. After a few hrs he was looking better. His eyes were still a bit swollen, but he seemed to be on the mend.
I am not looking forward to him going through an allergy test when he is so young. It is a necessary evil to scratch his tender skin.

Now, I’m a little freaked out to move onto the next food. Hopefully, butternut squash is not a problem.
Gave him another dose (3ml) and it’s almost all cleared up. Thank God.
This makes me re-think the ‘no nuts at school’ rules they have. Is it fair? How about if it’s one kid out of a school of 100? I remember some of the teenage baby-mama’s I knew who would complain right left and centre. They would argue that peanut butter was the only thing their kid would eat or it was the only thing that would be affordable for them since the baby-daddy didn’t pay up. Why stop only allowing peanuts? Should they ban other foods also?
I just know that I support it. Peanuts are in many snacks or may be in a contact due to the way it is made in the factory. It’s not worth the risk to our little kid’s life. I pray Lucas doesn’t have that problem. Carrying around an epi pen to save his life sounds very scary. I feel for those kids and parents now. You just never know what or when it may happen.
It couldn’t be the banana. He’s had it before. Not his favourite compared to the sweet potato, but he didn’t have a reaction like this. If I was to play Columbo (he was an old detective from a show back in the day), I would deduce that it was the Milupa rice cereal that I mixed in with the banana. It was the first time that I’ve used it. When I introduced rice cereal for the first time before, I used a different brand. Gerber I think. I can’t recall since it was my mom who did some grocery shopping for me for a couple of weeks while I had both kids and Franklin was going through his complications.
Considering Franklin had allergies when he was young (he grew out of all of them, but he did have to take allergy needles once a week for several years) I have been following the general rule when introducing food to your baby. Feeding him one food every 4-7 days to see if there is a reaction before introducing a new food. Once all foods (except honey, peanuts, high nitrate vegetables, etc) are sampled, you can start combining foods. Then the flavour bonanza really begins.
But, I digress. We first called Emergency. Then they directed us to telehealth (1-866-797-0000) to speak to a registered nurse to help us decipher if we should go to Emergency, doctor’s office, or stay put. Since his breathing did not seem impaired and after several other questions, she recommended giving him Benedryl. We decided to go to the doctor’s office. Emergency would be several hours, his breathing did not seem impaired, his lips were not turning blue, and I wanted to at least have a medical professional see him.
As soon as he saw him, our doctor said ordered for us to have him tested for allergies right away and get him some benedryl. Stop feeding him bananas, the new rice cereal, and avocado (he had some a little bit of blotches on his skin). Seeing him in the daylight, he looked worse that I thought. Both of his eyes were red and swollen. But, at least he was not crying and was laughy baby again. The doctor said to give him 7ml. The benedryl bottle said 2.5ml/dose. We gave him 5ml. After a few hrs he was looking better. His eyes were still a bit swollen, but he seemed to be on the mend.
Now, I’m a little freaked out to move onto the next food. Hopefully, butternut squash is not a problem.
Gave him another dose (3ml) and it’s almost all cleared up. Thank God.
This makes me re-think the ‘no nuts at school’ rules they have. Is it fair? How about if it’s one kid out of a school of 100? I remember some of the teenage baby-mama’s I knew who would complain right left and centre. They would argue that peanut butter was the only thing their kid would eat or it was the only thing that would be affordable for them since the baby-daddy didn’t pay up. Why stop only allowing peanuts? Should they ban other foods also?
I just know that I support it. Peanuts are in many snacks or may be in a contact due to the way it is made in the factory. It’s not worth the risk to our little kid’s life. I pray Lucas doesn’t have that problem. Carrying around an epi pen to save his life sounds very scary. I feel for those kids and parents now. You just never know what or when it may happen.
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