Where do I start with this thing? I'm a total newb when it comes to blogging and I'm not sure what the protocol is.
QUESTIONS: Who's going to read it? What will they think? Should I really blog about this or that?
ANSWER: Who gives a $h!t#*?! This is an outlet for me. An outlet to vent some ugliness, share the sunshine of Franklin's good days, and the idiosyncrasies of my boys growing up. No offense dear reader.
REALITY: My ego cares! Yes, this is for me to document my life, but deep down I still slightly want to know what you think. I say "slightly" to protect dear precious Ego for when there are no reads/comments. I like to write. The cliche of writing down your feelings to help sort yourself instead of yelling/crying/calling everyone works for me.
So, here I am. Sharing.
I hope you enjoy.