Friday, May 6, 2011

Road Rage Triggers

road rage

I had to drive down a bit of ways to get to an appointment.  And maybe it’s because it’s the ‘burbs or I just don’t drive as much as I used to, but where in the world have all the good drivers gone?  I am surrounded by idiots!  Here are just a few things that always seem to happen when I’m in a rush:
  1. stuck behind someone who is going below the speed limit in the LEFT lane
  2. driving beside someone in the right lane that drives exactly beside you
  3. someone does a quick right turn into my lane and doesn’t quickly speed up once in the lane
  4. we can make the light if the driver would maintain his speed, but instead he slams the break on the yellow
  5. pedestrians who walk against THEIR lights and end up waiting 3 light changes
  6. pedestrians who stand on the road on the corner when I’m trying to make a right
After reaching another red light because of the slow driver in front of me, I had to fight the urge to get out of my car and go up to her vehicle to yell at her to get the hell outta the lane.  Then head over to the idiot in the right lane beside her to let me in so I can pass.  These two were holding up traffic for 6 lights!
When I saw the two speed limits in Montreal, I figured it would be worse driving.  But, they get out of the way!  So, I don’t think it’s a speed limit issue.  It’s a driving attitude/common courtesy issue.
There are somethings that I just ASSUME.
  1. If you get passed on your right -hand side, you are going too slow.  GET OUT OF THE WAY!
  2. Don’t stand too close to the corner when waiting to cross.  Cars making a right could clip you.  It’s just not safe.  DIDN’T YOUR MAMA TEACH YOU ANYTHING?!
  3. The left lane is for PASSING.  Don’t drive the speed limit in the left lane. GRRR!
I understand that people should get speeding tickets for going TOO FAST, but how about the idiots who are driving TOO SLOW?!  THEY cause accidents too!