Friday, March 11, 2011

Not Again - Update

It seems as though Franklin made the right choice.  Seems as though..

They immediately do an x-ray, draw blood for testing, do 2-hrs of dialysis using his fistula instead of his line.  He has a bit of trouble breathing.  His left lung has some noise.  Possibility of pneumonia, infection of the dialysis line (which is really scary because it is connected directly to his heart).  They give him antibiotics through his dialysis line.  They say he should have come earlier.   Hopefully, it's still early enough.

The doctor immediately stops use of his dialysis line.  He must use his fistula to do dialysis.  It is his worst nightmare.  He was 'warming up' to the idea of sticking himself with needles to do his dialysis.  He wanted to do it on his terms.  He must  get trained all over again using this method of connection.  Drives.  Early mornings.  Instead of a gentle 8-hr dialysis session to remove the toxins, potassium, phosphates, and liquid, he has 4-hr sessions every other day.  This is harsher on the body.  The electrolyte levels, etc are all wacked out.  In 1 week instead of getting 40-hrs, he will be getting 12-hrs.  I'm sure there are more rough roads ahead.  But, once we get back on track it WILL get better.  It has to.  Lord give him strength to get through it all.  and me & the kids too!

Last night was pretty brutal.  He's freezing with 3 comforters on him while sweating.   Then he's too hot.  In between he's throwing up (who knows what since he hasn't eaten much in days).  He's moaning.  He has a fever of 38.8-40 degrees Celsius all night.  Between him and the kids I try not feel overwhelmed and just focus making sure to get everyone taken care of.  I wrap him in blankets.  Leave water by his bed.  Feed and bath the boys.  Rub Franklin's back.  Throw away the garbage bag and replace with a fresh barf bag.  Put baby 2 to sleep.  Brush teeth and read books with baby 1.  Get a refill of drinkage for The Husband.  Put baby 2 back to sleep.  New barf bag.  I'm exhausted.  Mentally and physically.

You would think I would just collapse asleep when all my boys are finally sleeping and the house is quiet.  I can't.  I read my book (love to read before I go to bed).  My eyes are tired, but I love the break my mind gets.  I am living this woman's life as I read chapter after chapter.  It's not exceptional, but I like the basis.  A city mom who owns her own advertising business and rides a motorcycle, moves to the burbs to be closer to her ill mother and elderly father.  She is the odd mom out amongst the cliquey full-time mommies who wear sweater sets.  I once was the city mom.  Not that I care so much about being accepted, but the idea of switching from city life to suburb life.  Assessing what you want out of life.  Putting your parents needs before your own.

The day starts at 5am.  But I read what's happened in Japan.  Reality check.  We are alive.  Pray for them.

Read the previous post Not Again to find out what this update is updating.