How about when you are the mommy who takes your precious son for swimming lessons? Or if you are the daddy who takes his princess daughter for the wet plunge? Well, for me, when my baby 1 was just a wittle guy, it was an easy decision. Woman's change room. I'm a woman and I need to change with my baby. Makes sense right?
Well, now my 'baby' knows his body parts. And he stares while we are in the open area of the change rooms. He didn't outright yell "BOOBIES mommy!", so I guess I'm thankful for that. But, when I have to tell him to stare at his snack (because who isn't starving after swimming), or to look at the lockers, it's time to move up to the Family change rooms.
Now, I'm assuming it is for mommy's and their sons or daddy's and their daughters to change. Basically, opposite sex children of the parent they are going in with. There are only a couple of change rooms with doors for us to use compared to all the space to change in the man's or woman's ones. So, after one particular dip in the pool and bby 1 is freezing after the shower, we boot it in to change into some nice warm and dry clothes. D'oh! we have to wait. His teeth are chattering. Now, as a parent, when you hear that from your kid, the momma bear instincts kicks in, and I mentally scream in my head "Hurry the F up! My precious bby is cold!!". I did dry him up with the towel. I know it's part of life to wait your turn. I just wish I could help my kid out of this discomfort as soon as possible. That is the foundation of the momma bear instincts.
When a mom opens the door I thought she was leaving. Silly me. That was so she could go to the locker and get her daughter's boots to put on in the locked room area. Biotch! Don't you see my kid is freezing?!? Put your shoes on in the hallway benches like everyone else (our swim place has the carpeted area and boot mats there). And why are you in this change room and not the Woman's?? GRRRRR
She has the right to use the family change room. But, when everyone does I have to wait unnecessarily. My son has to freeze for longer unnecessarily. This change room is for the opposite sex of parent and child ONLY. Well, it should be in my head.
This is just annoying. Not a full-out "I HATE this" but, it is 'GRRRRR' all the same. I save the 'hating' for more worthy matters, like racism, sexism, elitism, hypocrites, bad drivers, people who lazy, people who are mega-rich (be it money, love, talent, family, etc) and take it for granted, or Haters who try to bring you down.
[polldaddy poll=4505016]