The story that is the epitome of being a mom, my Mother’s Day was spent taking care of my family. Everyone in the house is sick with fever and a raspy cough. EVERYONE. It has been a difficult week for all. But, even though I am sick also, with fever, phlem in my chest, headache, interrupted sleep all week, and body exhaustion, I am the ‘healthiest’ to take care of my babies and husband. I have had offers to come over and visit to help, but this is contagious, and I definitely do not want to pass this virus on to anyone else. So even though baby 2 woke up at 12am, 2am, 4:45am, 6am, and baby 1 woke up at 4am, and 6:30am, I have to try to not pass out and put on my nurse’s hat. I take temperatures, write it down so I can remember I last gave them their meds and tempra/advil, see how their temperatures are trending, and try to remember so I stay on top of it. Lord knows I won’t remember.
No breakfast in bed made by The Husband and my children. No sleeping in. No carefree day to enjoy the sunshine. FML
But, then I get calls from my loved ones that also want to send some mother’s day love. And that reminds me, that it’s not the breakfast in bed on one particular day. It’s the “I love you mommy” out of the blue. It’s the big smiles and hand claps when I look you in my baby’s eyes. The hugs of love that feels better than any medicine. The joy I feel when they are happy and feeling better. I ‘WoW’ I still feel when my toddler can communicate like a little adult and express how he feels. “I feel sick” never hurt so much. The pride I feel when they hit another milestone or master a new skill. Watching the joy in their face when they want to show you EVERYTHING!
Anyone can give birth. If you stayed away from the alcohol, drugs, and all the other bad stuff that could harm your baby during pregnancy, then kudos to you for taking the first good step. But this thing being a GOOD mom is a life long dance. There are many steps to take, learn, and master.
To all the unselfish moms out there who traded sleep for dark circles, salon haircuts for a ponytail, long showers for quick ones, late nights for early mornings, and designer bags for diaper bags and wouldn’t change a thing. I will make countless sacrifices without complaint (well, maybe a little). I don’t care what I gave up because I LOVE what I got in return…..Gift of a child, I LOVE being a GOOD MOM ♥
I will be the nurse, chef, launderer, diaper changer, cow that gives milk, kisser of boo boos, good cop, bad cop, cleaner, chauffeur, story teller, financial adviser, cleaner, teacher, confidant, and parent.
This mother’s day is not only to reflect on my life as a mom, but to cherish the undying love, patience, sacrifice, and concern my has for me all my life. My mom has taught me how to be strong. She shows her love through food. And trust that she loves all her children and it shows. LOL Even when she was going through Chemo and Radiation at the same time for cancer, she never complained. It had to be done and she did it. She is modest and never brags. Even when she cooks THE BEST food and other people’s children tell their parents. I’m still learning that. I am so lucky to have her. I hope I never disappoint her.
Now to go make some jello with fruit for the little guy’s belly.