Once upon a time, there were specific chores that were expected to be done by woman and specific chores done by men.
Woman - Everything that has to be cleaned inside the house, including cooking. Take care of all the needs of people in the house, with her last.
Man - Maintain the outside of the house, including taking out the garbage. Pay all the bills.
Well, things have changed. Or have they? Woman work and help with the bills since life has become so expensive. That leaves less time to do all the cooking and cleaning. Men, will have to help with the chore list.
Have kids? Add this to the mix:
- Bath time
- Diaper changes
- Medicine/Vitamins
- Changing clothes
- Crafts/Book/Playdates time
Good luck newlyweds. You're going to need it. (or is it just us? we both hate to do housework. like it or don't like it, it doesn't matter. somethings just need to be done)
Household Chore List
KitchenMeals Plan/Prepare Set/Clear Table Wash Dishes/Load Dishwasher Clean and/or Organize Counter/Stove Top Drawers Cupboards Fridge/Freezer Sink Microwave BedroomsMake bed Pick up/put away clothes Tidy closet Clean off dresser/work desk Pick up toys BathroomsClean Shower/Tub Toilets Sinks/Counters Mirrors Drawers/Cupboards Family AreasPick up books and toys Organize bookshelves Clean/Dust Top Surfaces (computer workspace, tables, etc.) [polldaddy poll=4526573] | LaundrySort into loads Wash them Hang permanent press Dryer items Fold/Put away FloorsDry mop/Sweep Wet mop/scrub floors Vacuum Shampoo carpets Wax (If you are really ambitious!) AdditionalTake out garbage Dust anything else! Take care of pet(s) Wash Windows OutsideClean Pool Camper/Boat Garage/Shed Wash/Vacuum Vehicles Weed/Plant Garden/Pick Ripe Foods Plant/Weed Flowers Mow Lawn Rake Grass/Leaves Shovel Snow Fill Birdfeeders |