I am one of those Bay Street Rats who pack onto the GO Train day in and day out. It's been a couple of years now, so I can officially understand what those people would complain about. Before I would think "what are you whining about?! You get air conditioning. You have a better group of people compared to some of the wackos, rudey's, nasties, and teenage hooligans on the TTC. You have a seat without someone's a$$ or crotch in your face. You're not jostled every couple of minutes at each stop with tons of people getting on and off." and so much more.
I always wondered why people were running and pushing people out of their way when trying to catch their train. Because if you don't, you might have to wait 30-60 minutes for your next train! Now, when the commute is already 40-60 minutes, that means a long day is just too long. And when you have kids at a daycare/babysitter's that means money. $5 a minute!
Also, I HATE when people have their bags or feet on the seat. I hear this complaint a lot, yet so many people do it. Did your freakin' bag pay the $6 to enjoy a seat to itself while I walk through train car after car to find a seat? Or perhaps you were raised with no class or manners that you think it is ok to put your dirty shoes on the seat in front of you. I wear light coloured clothes in the summer time and when I saw a dirty mark on my dress after sitting on one of those seats I was livid! Dirty Mother Fukcers! I get it. It's a long ride and when no one is sitting with you, you want to stretch out. Then stretch out with your feet in front, but not on the seat. If you feel it necessary to do so, then put it on the plastic part that separates the seats. I'm not even sure what to say to you people who take OFF your shoes and put them on the seat. Thanks?! At least you don't have your dirty shoes there, but come on. When I get a waft of feet hitting my nostrils I want to gag and then beat you over the head with my purse! This is not your living room. I know you spend enough time on this thing each week that you think it is like home, but show some respect to others and for yourself. Jeeze.
Since I'm ranting about seats, lets keep it going. How about the self-entitled people who think it is ok to save a seat for their friend. Or worse, save 3 seats! Sorry your friend is slow as molasses getting here, but the seats are limited and I am not standing for 40 minutes until the train thins out to get a seat. Tell their a$$ to hurry the F up or YOU ALL can stand together if you are so concerned with being all together during the commute home. I went to sit down once and this chick has the nerve to say "I'm saving that for a friend". There are other seats I guess. But, why should I go looking around because of your slow friend and your b.s.?! I paid my fare. I'm here early enough to get a seat (see running and tackling above). I want a seat without all the attitude and stink eye.
After a long day I DO NOT want to hear you b!t3h about your job for the entire ride home. You just spent all day at your job, do you really want to live work stuff a minute longer when your are not even 'on the clock'. Get paid to stress about work. Otherwise, let it go. Start to unwind and unplug from work life and start enjoying your quiet time before you get home. And for me, it's home to kids, husband, and dinner. Most of the time that's awesome, but there are days where I just want to stay on past my stop and have it pull into an already made dinner with kids that are asleep and a hot bath is waiting. But, getting the exciting "Mommy! Mommy!" and kisses hello from my boys has me running for my train and getting off at the right stop each time. People who talk too loud to each other or on the phone need a dedicated car for themselves. If that's your thang then groovy for you, but be considerate to others around you. This is not your living room or local bar where you all are catching up over a pint.
Make-up people. Not sure what to say about you. Because sometimes I have to say it to myself too. This is not your bathroom. Wake up 5 minutes earlier and put your face on at home. I see you pull out your make-up bag and it is quite the regime. Concealer. Powder. Eyebrows. Eye Shadow. Lip liner. Lipstick/gloss.
The GO Train parking lot is another area that needs a beating stick. Let a car in. Take turns. You were let in, now pay it forward. Karma people. Try not to run people over. It's a fracking parking lot. You shouldn't be speeding in there. You save yourself maybe 10 minutes?? Is it worth the extra stress and road rage? I bet your blood pressue doesn't think so, nor the people you cut off.
The newspaper mess is just unacceptable. It's great getting a free paper to read the headlines, shout outs, do the soduko, and read your horoscope. Now, just remember to bring it with you OFF the train you lazy mofos! There are recycling bins at every stop. Why should someone clean up your mess?! When I see someone reading their paper, particularly the star, although all papers are guilty, and throw section by section under their seat, then NOT pick it up after, really pisses me off. Why should I sit surrounded by your laziness?!
I wish I could sleep like some of you. Although, at the same time I am glad that I can't. I'd hate to be one of those mouth open, drooling, or snoring loudly type sleepers that is on the GO. I always have something to keep my mind off the 100's of things that usually repeat themselves that usually leave me stressed. Tons of choices - MP3 player to listen to some vibe. Either to get me pumped, relax, reflect on how life was during that time when the song was a hit, etc; Watch a movie/show on the small screen; DS with my R4 so I have tons of games to choose from. My brain age is 20 btw; A book/magazine; Free newspaper; Something. If I don't have anything, which sometimes happens because I'm bad at keeping things charged, it's a long ride. Although, I try to close my eyes and meditate. Definitely, not my strength.
But, as my silver lining is, at least I don't have to take a commuter train in Japan or India.
[polldaddy poll=4716210]
I like how you censored bitch in your post, but you didn't censor the f word! Hahahha
ReplyDeleteit is censored. fukc! hah! well, i guess to a dyslexic it looks correct. LOL
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my favorite posts ever. I commuted on the GO for one summer and vowed never again, and that is when I was a spring chicken just after first year Uni! Highlights:
ReplyDelete"I always wondered why people were running and pushing people out of their way when trying to catch their train."
TRUTH. Suburban people bring our their inner city street cred when they start throwing elbows en masse herd styles trying to get on the train.
"Or perhaps you were raised with no class or manners that you think it is ok to put your dirty shoes on the seat in front of you. "
AMAZING. I love when the Jamaican comes out. As my mother would say, some people never bring up right, them drag up.
" When I get a waft of feet hitting my nostrils I want to gag and then beat you over the head with my purse! "
No comment necessary. Brilliant.
"Since I’m ranting about seats, lets keep it going. How about the self-entitled people who think it is ok to save a seat for their friend. Or worse, save 3 seats! Sorry your friend is slow as molasses getting here, but the seats are limited and I am not standing for 40 minutes until the train thins out to get a seat. Tell their a$$ to hurry the F up or YOU ALL can stand together if you are so concerned with being all together during the commute home. I went to sit down once and this chick has the nerve to say “I’m saving that for a friend”. There are other seats I guess. But, why should I go looking around because of your slow friend and your b.s.?! I paid my fare. I’m here early enough to get a seat (see running and tackling above). I want a seat without all the attitude and stink eye."
Best. Paragraph. Ever.
"I see you pull out your make-up bag and it is quite the regime. Concealer. Powder. Eyebrows. Eye Shadow. Lip liner. Lipstick/gloss."
I've seen this on the TTC! Impressed :P
"The GO Train parking lot is another area that needs a beating stick."
[...] everyone dressed, the separation anxiety for my baby and me (probably more me), and to face the Go Train (read that post for some laughs about the commuter’s [...]