I’m talking gardening people. Thought it was something else since this one comes after my post about body hair care? HA! Durrrty minds.
Anyway, I don’t have something that erotic to talk about. Just plain ol’ gardening. My Mom has a beautiful garden with tons of roses, flowers, apples, scotch bonnet peppers, etc. The lovely roses I think are the best. They smell so good and she has so many colours.
Since I’m on mat. leave during this summer I might as well try my green thumb. Or more like my death thumb. All my flowers and plants die. I even had 4 fighter fish! They are supposed to be easy to care for. Yeah right. I remember I wanted to help Franklin out since he always changed the water. I wanted to surprise him and complete the chore. While I’m changing the water I want only the best for my fish, so I pull out the britta from the fridge. Clean water. If it’s good enough for me to drink, it’s good enough for my beloved fighter. Filler up. As soon as I pour the fish back into his clean home, he instantly dies and is floating. woops! The second time around I wanted the fighter fish to have a buddy. Now I know enough about fish that putting two together would not be a good idea. So I bought a small gold fish to keep him company. Don’t you know the bully started bumping him. One morning the gold fish is kinda floating at the top, but I have to go out and figure I’ll tend to it when I get back. Well, I’m gone all weekend. When I get back both fish are dead! Did you know, as soon as a fish dies, it’s body gives off toxins effecting the water. Bye bye fighter fish 2. It was your own darn fault!
But, I digress. Gardening. Right. Seems it should be easy. Maybe a couple of flowers for the front of the house and a few herbs and veggies in the back. Franklin would to build some sort of gardening area and he’s not the most handiest of men (sorry babe. but, you know it’s true). And although the flowers that bloom only once are prettier, I’d rather go with the ones that bloom every year. This is starting to sound overwhelming and expensive. I think I just blogged myself out of the idea. But would love to make some type of backyard oasis. A hammock near by (love those things!) A swinging chair. Kiddies playing in the little pool or sandbox. Husband bbqing. I love summer. Even more while I’m on mat. leave.
Not sure if it’s a man thing, but Franklin though loves his lawn. Spends hours each week! He loves to check the height of the grass by placing a golf ball on it. lol He is definitely a golf nut. It’s nice to walk in without shoes and feel the grass between your toes. It’s like a nice thick carpet. (I’m still talking gardening dirty people) LOL
Do you do any gardening? If yes, what do you grow?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Body Hair Maintenance
As the warm weather makes an appearance intermittently I bust out the flip-flops. I hate wearing socks. But, seeing my dry heals and crusty nails shames me to put on some socks and shoes again. I need a pedicure. STAT! But, that's just part of the 'spring cleaning' needed. Legs and arm pits are going to be exposed. Living in this winter wonderland I think we grow our leg hairs to keep warm. Well, that's what I tell The Husband. But, my break is almost over. It's time to decide how to do some body hair maintenance.
For my eyebrows, I prefer threading. I don't mind waxing. But, had one bad experience, so 'once bitten. twice shy'. The woman didn't have a taunt hold of my eyebrow before pulling the wax off and ended up ripping my tender skin where my eyelid was. OUCH! For my legs and armpits, it's shaving. And the other places I will not mention. I want to be able to look you in the eye, is all I"m sayin'.
I'm not sure who has the lessor evil in body hair maintenance. Men or Women? Men who have facial hair will have to shave almost everyday. Where as woman can get by with a few weeks in between, albeit more places. One times many or many times one. hmmm. I'd be lying if I said I was on top of it. My hair needs a trim. My legs need a lawn mower. My eyebrows definitely could use some shaping. And you could probably braid my arm pits. LMAO! TMI?!
For my eyebrows, I prefer threading. I don't mind waxing. But, had one bad experience, so 'once bitten. twice shy'. The woman didn't have a taunt hold of my eyebrow before pulling the wax off and ended up ripping my tender skin where my eyelid was. OUCH! For my legs and armpits, it's shaving. And the other places I will not mention. I want to be able to look you in the eye, is all I"m sayin'.
I'm not sure who has the lessor evil in body hair maintenance. Men or Women? Men who have facial hair will have to shave almost everyday. Where as woman can get by with a few weeks in between, albeit more places. One times many or many times one. hmmm. I'd be lying if I said I was on top of it. My hair needs a trim. My legs need a lawn mower. My eyebrows definitely could use some shaping. And you could probably braid my arm pits. LMAO! TMI?!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Baby Milestones
This time around I wasn't as neurotic. Been there. Done that. My attitude was "he hasn't turned over yet. Whew. Now, I can still put him down and go to the bathroom real fast without worrying". LOL But, thankfully he is hitting them as expected. My baby is crawling! Pulling himself up! and sporting two bumps in his gums.
It is bitter sweet to see my children grow into big little people. Particularly, my youngest. He may be my last of the little ones. I will never experience this again, so it is even more treasured. I don't know how to describe it but, this overwhelming feeling that swells your heart to the point of tears in your eyes and happiness on your lips.
I wanted to do somethings differently this time around. First kid it was a bit or trial and error, but this time I was going to master putting this baby to sleep on his own. Ha! Nope. Oh I know the theory. Recognize the cues. i.e. rubbing eyes, yawn, sleepy eyes. Put him in the bed sleepy, but not asleep. That way he'll fall asleep on his own. Nope! Of course when I talk to some other moms who were more successful with the sleep routine, they had their little ones sleeping on their own and sleeping 6 hrs within the first month. Ah well. Third times the charm right?
There are tons of charts online. This one shows charts from birth to age 3.
So far we're on point for the first 6 months:
Child's Age | Mastered Skills (most kids can do) | Emerging Skills (half of kids can do) | Advanced Skills (a few kids can do) |
1 month | Lifts head when lying on tummy Responds to sound Stares at faces | Follows objects briefly with eyes Vocalizes: oohs and aahs Can see black-and-white patterns | Smiles, laughs Holds head at 45-degree angle |
2 months | Vocalizes: gurgles and coos Follows objects across field of vision Notices his hands Holds head up for short periods | Smiles, laughs Holds head at 45-degree angle Makes smoother movements | Holds head steady Can bear weight on legs Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy (mini-pushup) |
3 months | Recognizes your face and scent Holds head steady Visually tracks moving objects | Squeals, gurgles, coos Blows bubbles Recognizes your voice Does mini-pushup | Rolls over, from tummy to back Turns toward loud sounds Can bring hands together, bats at toys |
4 months | Smiles, laughs Can bear weight on legs Coos when you talk to him | Can grasp a toy Rolls over, from tummy to back | Imitates sounds: "baba," "dada" Cuts first tooth May be ready for solid foods |
5 months | Distinguishes between bold colors Plays with his hands and feet | Recognizes own name Turns toward new sounds Rolls over in both directions | Sits momentarily without support Mouths objects Separation anxiety may begin |
6 months | Turns toward sounds and voices Imitates sounds Rolls over in both directions | Is ready for solid foods Sits without support Mouths objects Passes objects from hand tohand | Lunges forward or starts crawling Jabbers or combines syllables Drags objects toward himself |
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter - Who's family?
I have not instilled the mythical creature of The Easter Bunny into my sons life yet. We do not wake up in the morning and hunt for eggs. I did organize the first egg hunt at my parents house, but then dropped off the duties. For me, it has a bit more of a religious tone to it than the commercialized glitz of chocolate bunnies. We never did anything like hunting for rabbits or dying eggs when I was young (immigrant childhood again!). So, to me, it's not that big of a deal. But, fortunately, my brother and his wife were kind enough to buy mini eggs for all the kids and hid them during our Easter family get together this year. The kids had so much fun.
For those who have a significant other as part of their life, trying to see all families during any special occasion takes careful planning and organizing. Even with all of that, it still might not work out. Franklin and I are lucky that we are able to split up our holidays between our parents. This year it worked out again. Friday for us. Saturday for one. Sunday for the other. We had to move things around. And fortunately, everything worked out. Originally, it would have been lunch at one, dinner at another on the same day. But, that's no good for anyone. You don't get to fully enjoy the day with one family. We'd have to leave his parent's place early to head back uptown to my family's dinner. We'd be too full from his mom's cooking to enjoy my mom's cooking.
Now, if you have parents who are divorced it's just that much more difficult to enjoy everyone's company. Mom's family side. Dad's family side. Partner's Mom's family side. Partner's Dad's family side. And if you should have kids, when do you squeeze in family time?!
Then if you're still young and have no kids, when do you squeeze in the party time? Recover from the debauchery time?
I was able to squeeze in some baking. Mini blueberry Bundt cakes. Banana muffin caps. Banana chocolate chip mini loaves. Snack mix. Not traditional, but I wanted to use my new pans. I think some mini-square Blondies are up next. Or maybe peanut butter mini-squares with chocolate chips. Fundgey something for sure.
On a brighter side. MORE EASTER EATS continues! Bun and Cheese!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Can Borrow Your ...
Whether it's a pen, book, clothes, money, car, shoes, purse, cd, ipod, DS, gaming system, toy, movie, pan, record, skates, toboggan, car seat, WHATEVER! If you want to borrow people's items, there are two golden rules:
- return the item in the same condition you borrowed it, in a timely manner or agreed time frame
- do not constantly borrow it. if it's more than twice in a month, it's time
My mom has quite a collection of cartoons since she helped raise all of the grandchildren. Now, when we leave sometimes Marcus is watching one of the movies. We are not waiting till it's over, so in typical toddler dramatics he cries. I HAVE TO watch this movie. I've been there. But, I just don't cry outwardly. My mom is kind enough to let us take it home to watch the rest. This has happened several times. So, on one of her visits to our place she asked about the movies. Marcus didn't want to give them back! oh baby! sigh.
Someone else was venting to me about a neighbour of his. His buddy borrowed his snow blower so often, he felt comfortable to just go into the garage and help himself without asking anymore. See rule 2, neighbour guy. I'm guilty of this too. We've borrowed our neighbours snow blower a few times last season. I felt guilty each time. They are so freaking expensive! We are lucky to have great neighbours, and JD offered his garage code so we can just help ourselves whenever we need it. Thank you very much, but, I'd rather not. We will get one. I don't want to be 'the neighbour' that borrows stuff and breaking rule 2. I think that's why we're such good friends/neighbours. We don't impose. Or maybe that's my Asian upbringing. IDK. But, when the snow was ridiculous, we asked all the same.
Now, if you follow rule 1 and 2, people won't hesitate to lend it to you because they know they'll get it back. It's when you have to think 'do I really want to give away aka lend' depending on the borrower, that will have everyone thinking twice.
Don't ruin someone's generous and kind nature for the rest of us.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Grass is always greener
As we eat our fried egg sandwiches with cheese, Marcus wants to have a bite of mine. Sure. Have a bite of mine. Eat yours. Just eat up buddy. Yours is so good mommy. It's the same thing son. Can I have yours mommy? It's the same thing son. Can we trade then mommy. It's the same thing son. Please! uh...OK!
Whether it is an egg sandwich, chips, etc, doesn't someone else's seem to taste better. I usually get something different than whatever Franklin orders so we can 'share' or at least a couple of bites. It's like having two meals in one! It takes me forever to decide and I usually feel like I ordered the wrong one and everyone else's food looks better. Sometimes there are just too many choices and it all looks good.
But, besides food, on some days it feels like everything else is better for the other person. Be it job, spouse, lawn, car, house, etc I guess that's how the saying "grass is always greener on the other side" came from. That emotion that the other guys is always winning. Well, if you could just love what you have now, you'll always be the winner. I'm not saying to settle, but while you're striving to get the bigger house, nicer car, longer vacation, brand name purse, clothes, shoes, etc love what you have now until that day comes.
Someone will always be richer, skinnier, have a bigger house, smaller ankles, longer legs, smaller/bigger boobs, better job, etc. But, for me, my husband, kids, family, friends, body, sex life, clothes, shoes, house, cars, teeth, breath, eyebrows, nails, hair, furniture, vacations, and life are perfect. Too much, too little, non-existent. I love it all.
Whether it is an egg sandwich, chips, etc, doesn't someone else's seem to taste better. I usually get something different than whatever Franklin orders so we can 'share' or at least a couple of bites. It's like having two meals in one! It takes me forever to decide and I usually feel like I ordered the wrong one and everyone else's food looks better. Sometimes there are just too many choices and it all looks good.
But, besides food, on some days it feels like everything else is better for the other person. Be it job, spouse, lawn, car, house, etc I guess that's how the saying "grass is always greener on the other side" came from. That emotion that the other guys is always winning. Well, if you could just love what you have now, you'll always be the winner. I'm not saying to settle, but while you're striving to get the bigger house, nicer car, longer vacation, brand name purse, clothes, shoes, etc love what you have now until that day comes.
Someone will always be richer, skinnier, have a bigger house, smaller ankles, longer legs, smaller/bigger boobs, better job, etc. But, for me, my husband, kids, family, friends, body, sex life, clothes, shoes, house, cars, teeth, breath, eyebrows, nails, hair, furniture, vacations, and life are perfect. Too much, too little, non-existent. I love it all.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Lighten your Life's Load
Whether it is a grudge, a negative emotion, a loved one, or even a ratty old sweater from your old boyfriend from high school, letting go is never easy. But, letting all that emotion and/or junk (sometimes it's both) just stay in your head and heart is like letting it all live rent free while mooching off of your kindness, generosity, and space, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
As I drive and somebody cuts me off and then slows down, I'm PISSED! I ride them. I zoom pass them and flip them the bird. And even after all that is said and done, I'm still driving too aggressively. Let it go!
Ever have a relationship/friendship that just sucked the life out of you? Your friend borrowed your favourite whatever and never gave it back. Then she confesses she actually lost/damaged it. Let it go! He's a great guy, just not a great boyfriend. As much as you think you are perfect for each other, you fight more than you are happy together. Let him go!
I had many sentimental items from passed loves. Letters he'd leave in my locker, poems about his undying love, dried flowers from all the birthdays, anniversaries, valentines, and just-because days, dolls he won me from The Ex, clothes I've borrowed when it was cold, books that you thought I'd enjoy, etc Combine that with my hoarderness and I have way too much stuff. Time to Let it go!
Sometimes I'm too quick to let go. I'm sure if I stuck by some people, I'd still have them in my life. But, I have enough drama I certainly don't need any extra. Don't get me wrong. I am not a fair-weather friend. I will do all that I can to help you, but I need you to also help yourself first. I don't tolerate slackers very well. There's time to slack. I'm far from a workaholic these days. I recognize what's a priority for right now. Definitely different then in our youth when we lived in an apartment downtown with no kids. Maybe some people I've let go too quickly without giving them a real chance to stay in my life. But, why live with regrets. I make the best decision based on the information I had at the time.
I don't hold on to dead weight. It just slows me down.
As I drive and somebody cuts me off and then slows down, I'm PISSED! I ride them. I zoom pass them and flip them the bird. And even after all that is said and done, I'm still driving too aggressively. Let it go!
Ever have a relationship/friendship that just sucked the life out of you? Your friend borrowed your favourite whatever and never gave it back. Then she confesses she actually lost/damaged it. Let it go! He's a great guy, just not a great boyfriend. As much as you think you are perfect for each other, you fight more than you are happy together. Let him go!
I had many sentimental items from passed loves. Letters he'd leave in my locker, poems about his undying love, dried flowers from all the birthdays, anniversaries, valentines, and just-because days, dolls he won me from The Ex, clothes I've borrowed when it was cold, books that you thought I'd enjoy, etc Combine that with my hoarderness and I have way too much stuff. Time to Let it go!
Sometimes I'm too quick to let go. I'm sure if I stuck by some people, I'd still have them in my life. But, I have enough drama I certainly don't need any extra. Don't get me wrong. I am not a fair-weather friend. I will do all that I can to help you, but I need you to also help yourself first. I don't tolerate slackers very well. There's time to slack. I'm far from a workaholic these days. I recognize what's a priority for right now. Definitely different then in our youth when we lived in an apartment downtown with no kids. Maybe some people I've let go too quickly without giving them a real chance to stay in my life. But, why live with regrets. I make the best decision based on the information I had at the time.
I don't hold on to dead weight. It just slows me down.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thank You Stranger for ....
Every time I approach the doors at the mall the gesture usually remains unappreciated. I am holding the door open for my toddler to walk through, but since you are right behind I guess I'm holding the door open for you also. Now, trust me, I'm already a little annoyed that you are not holding the door open for me as I am holding an infant in my arms, but at least just hold it for yourself while I go in. But, to add insult to tired arms, you go right through and don't even say thank you. How about those door jerks who walk right through your door as you are trying to get in? Mother Tuckers!
While driving, the common 'thank you' is a wave of the hand to the other driver. To acknowledge them in some way that they can see. Now, if I let you into the lane be courteous and give me a wave. I didn't have to let you in. The left lane to get onto DVP North is always backed up. You know this. So, why do you think it's ok to drive up on the right lane, turn your blinker on to get into the lane, and hold up traffic? I don't care that people are honking. I'm not the one blocking traffic. YOU ARE! I've been waiting patiently all the way at the back for 4 lights already. So SCREW YOU! But, I let you in because my son is asking why the cars are honking. And then you don't even give me the hand wave. Mother Tucker!
If I hold the elevator so you can get in rather than waiting for the next one, a simple Thank You would be nice. Considering I hear the rest of the people in the elevator give me stink-eye to the back of my head and give a collective sigh as I stick my hand out to hold the elevator doors from closing on your face. But, you breeze in as if I'm the elevator jockey waiting to be of service to hold the elevator doors and press your floor number. Mother Tucker!
Just the other day I let someone go ahead of me since I had a cart full of groceries and they had relatively little. I appreciate you are not one of those ding dongs who do not know how to count and still try and sneak into the 15 items or fewer lines. So, I let offer to let you go ahead of me. I get "sure". No thank you tagged on to the end. Just "sure". Mother Tucker!
People. Pay it Forward. Hold the door for someone. Let someone in. Say THANK YOU! Do I dare say, pay for the coffee for the next person behind you? Yah right...
While driving, the common 'thank you' is a wave of the hand to the other driver. To acknowledge them in some way that they can see. Now, if I let you into the lane be courteous and give me a wave. I didn't have to let you in. The left lane to get onto DVP North is always backed up. You know this. So, why do you think it's ok to drive up on the right lane, turn your blinker on to get into the lane, and hold up traffic? I don't care that people are honking. I'm not the one blocking traffic. YOU ARE! I've been waiting patiently all the way at the back for 4 lights already. So SCREW YOU! But, I let you in because my son is asking why the cars are honking. And then you don't even give me the hand wave. Mother Tucker!
If I hold the elevator so you can get in rather than waiting for the next one, a simple Thank You would be nice. Considering I hear the rest of the people in the elevator give me stink-eye to the back of my head and give a collective sigh as I stick my hand out to hold the elevator doors from closing on your face. But, you breeze in as if I'm the elevator jockey waiting to be of service to hold the elevator doors and press your floor number. Mother Tucker!
Just the other day I let someone go ahead of me since I had a cart full of groceries and they had relatively little. I appreciate you are not one of those ding dongs who do not know how to count and still try and sneak into the 15 items or fewer lines. So, I let offer to let you go ahead of me. I get "sure". No thank you tagged on to the end. Just "sure". Mother Tucker!
Friday, April 15, 2011
- zipper's down
- have something in your teeth
- have toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe
- dress is tucked into your pantyhose and we can see everything
- boob leaked breast milk and you have a wet spot on your shirt
- toupee/wig is crooked
- shirt is buttoned wrong
- shirt is on backward
- tire is looking a bit flat
- gas cap/lid is not closed
- back light on your car is out
I get people do not get involved anymore when it comes to strangers, but come on. How is it going to hurt you if you tell the person you just met at the get together/party/gathering that they have something stuck in their teeth? I had a bit of spinach dip, chatted with my fellow dip eater at the buffet table and went to wash my hands. I am pissed! Why didn't that jerkstore say something!? I will try and give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe it got stuck with the last bit that I ate and they didn't see it. Yah. Sure. That's what I tell myself so I don't give cut-eye to the uppity biatch.
I assume it is common courtesy to mention something to someone, even complete strangers, when the above bulleted list above happens. Just the other day at the parenting centre I take the kids to sometimes (really awesome. sand table. water table. painting. tons of toys. snack. gym time. story and singing time. check out Ontario Early Years centres for a great drop in place where your kids can play with others) I mentioned to this grandmother that her zipper was down. She was embarrassed and gave a self-depreciating comment about being too fat. I said, it happens to all of us. GAK! I hope she understood I meant that we all have had our zippers down in public once, not that we all have been fat at one time. Although her frosty demeanor later in the afternoon could be explained now. hmm....whatever!
Now, the tire looking a little flat, or the light being out on someone's car might be a little too far for some. but, hey, that's a safety concern. And if you are o the receiving end of the news, be thankful, or get it fixed so you won't have to hear about it.
I get that we have to be polite. But, I think we've taken the whole 'if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all' saying a bit too far.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Friendship Worth My Time
You meet tons of people. Few cross over from friendly acquaintance to being REAL friends. You’ve got acquaintances, party friends you see every weekend, work peoples you do lunch with, neighbours you are friendly with, friends of friends,bar buddies, etc. But, what I mean are REAL friends that you can expose your biggest fear to, that you feel just as close today as you were months/years ago when you last saw/spoke to them,that you would trust your children with.
Like a fresh relationship, especially as an adult, you don’t know if this passing acquaintance will become a true friendship outside the environment you know them for. and that’s ok. Sometimes people are just nice to chat with during the hour workout or at your kid’s activity or at the party or at the dog park or at the bar.
I met a beautiful group of ladies when my first was growing from baby to toddler. There was 10 in total. Warm, kind, funny, successful, good looking group we were. It was like a Benetton ad. (anyone remember those or am I dating myself again? lol) We’d meet once a week as we took turns hosting. Then slowly we each went back to work. With precious little time between work, kids, and life we saw each other less and less.
For those technically savvy, we have been able to keep up with the milestones and for the most part everyday life. For a few, we still have playdates with snacks/lunch. I’m sure with the combination of warm weather, maternity leave, and summer break we’ll see each other more.
I was lucky enough to see one of the ladies last night. My heart actually ached a bit when we saw her and her husband. I miss her and her family. She is a beautiful person and her husband and Franklin share the machismo jokes. Wish she lived closer.
We have another couple that we love hanging out with. The husbands, us wives, and the children all get along. It is so rare to find that. It’s so uncanny how much our lives are similar. She is also Jamaican Chinese, has been with her husband since high school, and is a generous, kind soul.
Have to include my ketchup girl. So insightful and thoughtful. I will always remember her asking me outside the YMCA if everything was all right. I was caught off guard. She didn't know that Franklin was having a bad time and I was wearing my everything-is-great mask. How did she know? I was touched. Someone close to her in her family also had kidney problems and had gone through dialysis before so she actually knew some of the life I had to live. I am thankful.
And I’d fail as a friend if I didn’t include my elementary school friend who runs deep in my heart. She is also Jamaican Chinese, funny, understanding, cool, beautiful, righteous chick.
Be it a moms group, a chance meeting at a garage sale, or through friends, I am lucky to have have crossed paths with these people and so many more I could list (if I haven’t listed you, it’s not because you are any less a true friend. and as a true friend, you already know that). Not everyone ‘gets’ me. But, I think everyone can say that. You either ‘click’ or you don’t.
I’ve been ‘friends’ with tons of people in this life time, but very few do I open my life to. I wouldn’t make plans for years because so many things have been canceled due to Franklin’s health. I’m sure they all understood, but I just couldn’t deal with it. I didn’t want anyone’s pity. Nor could I handle the mounting number of disappointments. It’s just easier to call on the fly when we have a ‘good’ day.
Fortunately, Franklin’s slowly have many more better days (the past 2 months excluded) and I want to make plans again. Plans to make the time for the special people worth the effort it takes to arrange it. Special people who will still love us and understand if we have something come up….again. Special people who are worth the 1.5 hr drive to spend the day with. Special friends who are REAL friends.
Don’t let life’s hiccups and busy schedules make everyday pass by so quickly. You just never know what will happen tomorrow. Make the time and effort it takes to enjoy the people in your life today. They are worth it. And so are you.
“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.”
– Charles Caleb Colton
Like a fresh relationship, especially as an adult, you don’t know if this passing acquaintance will become a true friendship outside the environment you know them for. and that’s ok. Sometimes people are just nice to chat with during the hour workout or at your kid’s activity or at the party or at the dog park or at the bar.
I met a beautiful group of ladies when my first was growing from baby to toddler. There was 10 in total. Warm, kind, funny, successful, good looking group we were. It was like a Benetton ad. (anyone remember those or am I dating myself again? lol) We’d meet once a week as we took turns hosting. Then slowly we each went back to work. With precious little time between work, kids, and life we saw each other less and less.
For those technically savvy, we have been able to keep up with the milestones and for the most part everyday life. For a few, we still have playdates with snacks/lunch. I’m sure with the combination of warm weather, maternity leave, and summer break we’ll see each other more.
I was lucky enough to see one of the ladies last night. My heart actually ached a bit when we saw her and her husband. I miss her and her family. She is a beautiful person and her husband and Franklin share the machismo jokes. Wish she lived closer.
We have another couple that we love hanging out with. The husbands, us wives, and the children all get along. It is so rare to find that. It’s so uncanny how much our lives are similar. She is also Jamaican Chinese, has been with her husband since high school, and is a generous, kind soul.
Have to include my ketchup girl. So insightful and thoughtful. I will always remember her asking me outside the YMCA if everything was all right. I was caught off guard. She didn't know that Franklin was having a bad time and I was wearing my everything-is-great mask. How did she know? I was touched. Someone close to her in her family also had kidney problems and had gone through dialysis before so she actually knew some of the life I had to live. I am thankful.
And I’d fail as a friend if I didn’t include my elementary school friend who runs deep in my heart. She is also Jamaican Chinese, funny, understanding, cool, beautiful, righteous chick.
Be it a moms group, a chance meeting at a garage sale, or through friends, I am lucky to have have crossed paths with these people and so many more I could list (if I haven’t listed you, it’s not because you are any less a true friend. and as a true friend, you already know that). Not everyone ‘gets’ me. But, I think everyone can say that. You either ‘click’ or you don’t.
I’ve been ‘friends’ with tons of people in this life time, but very few do I open my life to. I wouldn’t make plans for years because so many things have been canceled due to Franklin’s health. I’m sure they all understood, but I just couldn’t deal with it. I didn’t want anyone’s pity. Nor could I handle the mounting number of disappointments. It’s just easier to call on the fly when we have a ‘good’ day.
Fortunately, Franklin’s slowly have many more better days (the past 2 months excluded) and I want to make plans again. Plans to make the time for the special people worth the effort it takes to arrange it. Special people who will still love us and understand if we have something come up….again. Special people who are worth the 1.5 hr drive to spend the day with. Special friends who are REAL friends.
Don’t let life’s hiccups and busy schedules make everyday pass by so quickly. You just never know what will happen tomorrow. Make the time and effort it takes to enjoy the people in your life today. They are worth it. And so are you.
“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.”
– Charles Caleb Colton
Monday, April 11, 2011
Golf Widow Season
As the warm weather approaches, golfing is in the air. Not for me. Franklin ruined it for me. The first time he takes me out, he takes me to one of the longest courses. I would like to think he was trying to impress me with the beautiful course, but the cynic in me suspects he wanted to show off his golfing skills and in turn ruin my first impression of the game to which I thought it was so boring that I would never come again. Oh I tried to go again. He’d say “you were complaining before the 9th hole!”. Well, you got what you wanted Frank. I won’t go. Years later he wants me to come. “I’ll bring you to a shorter course”; “I’ll take you to the clubhouse for lunch”; “We can spend the day in the beautiful weather and get exercise”.
OooOOOoo..exercise outdoors to enjoy the weather. He knows me too well. After years of being scarred from that first outing, I may just give it another chance. NOT!
He loves the game. Even watches it as one of his top five shows on tv. He gets out and gets exercise and he’s happy. So we balance his love of golf with our need to enjoy the day as a family. For many golf widows they might not be as understanding. I am because it’s not just about golf. It’s about a few hours out of the day where his mind is clear of all of life’s stresses. End Stage Renal Failure. Dialysis. Blood Pressure. Liquid intake. Mortgage, property tax, Hydro, cable, internet, phone, water, cell phone, credit cards…bills.
I’d be lying if I said I was ALWAYS supportive about him going everyday. But, after a couple of days of seeing how miserable he is I just kick him out the door with his clubs. When he’s happy life is just better. For him and the rest of the family. Happy Husband. Happy family. It works both ways (as compared to my happy wife, happy life post.
Although the cost of a golf membership is not cheap, the benefits to his health mentally and physically are worth it. (That’s what I tell myself when I look at our bank account)
Having him happy and with more muscle is a win-win for him and me.
OooOOOoo..exercise outdoors to enjoy the weather. He knows me too well. After years of being scarred from that first outing, I may just give it another chance. NOT!
He loves the game. Even watches it as one of his top five shows on tv. He gets out and gets exercise and he’s happy. So we balance his love of golf with our need to enjoy the day as a family. For many golf widows they might not be as understanding. I am because it’s not just about golf. It’s about a few hours out of the day where his mind is clear of all of life’s stresses. End Stage Renal Failure. Dialysis. Blood Pressure. Liquid intake. Mortgage, property tax, Hydro, cable, internet, phone, water, cell phone, credit cards…bills.
I’d be lying if I said I was ALWAYS supportive about him going everyday. But, after a couple of days of seeing how miserable he is I just kick him out the door with his clubs. When he’s happy life is just better. For him and the rest of the family. Happy Husband. Happy family. It works both ways (as compared to my happy wife, happy life post.
Although the cost of a golf membership is not cheap, the benefits to his health mentally and physically are worth it. (That’s what I tell myself when I look at our bank account)
Having him happy and with more muscle is a win-win for him and me.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
You are FIRED!
With social networking, particularly Facebook, it seems that employers can do a little detective work before investing in a potential employee. But, should companies be allowed to fire employees for what they do outside of work time? I still don’t understand how people do not have high security on their profile. I guess they don’t mind anyone trolling through their wall, seeing their pictures, reading their likes and groups listed. They don’t mind the stalkers, perverts, potential employers, head hunters, trollers, or weirdos going through their online identity. I guess I just have too much to hide. Although I do have a public blog, so who am I to judge?!
You never want to run into your boss while you are getting wasted at the local pub. It’s almost as weird as seeing your teacher outside of the classroom setting. But, when you see another side of them that you are normally not privy to, it can be quite the eye opener.
Now, I do not entirely agree with firing someone for what they do outside of work, but it does lend to what type of person they are. If some dude is addicted to crack and he drives a school bus, I think I would support random drug testing and getting them fired. How about the chiropractor who has an addiction to Oxycontin? Are they really the modest, diligent, conservative individual when you see pictures of them in a ho-esque outfit with white powder on the outside rim of their nose and HUGE dilated pupils? Maybe at work they ARE that person, but now that I know you can be that other person too, I’m not sure I can take your word of commitment seriously. You are just masquerading as a hardworker, when really you are a Pepsi head that comes in late 3 times a week.
Maybe you can balance both the party and the work world. Many people can. Who doesn’t need a break after a long, hard week? Why should you be punished for what you do on your own time when it doesn’t effect your work? You’re a Project Manager/Web Designer/Instructor/Accountant/Tech Support/Analyst/etc. No on is going to die if I go to a 3-day rave and go directly to work Monday.
It’s a slippery slope. But, somethings are just so obvious.
But, if you’re killed someone due to Drinking and Driving, I don’t want you driving the subway. If you’ve O.D. but were brought back, I don’t think you should work as a counselor at a rehab clinic. If you leave your elderly mom in an uninsulated garage while you live in the house, your compassion and empathy are not meeting standards required to work as a director at an old age home.
But, once your honour/character comes into question, people will deal with you differently. Even those who say they don’t judge people. In the back of your mind you wonder if you can trust them after you read on thedirty.com that they blah, blah, blah. Which probably isn’t true, but that’s how haters hate with their rumours.
Don’t be your own idiot that sabotages yourself. Pictures of you toking, hitting the bong, snorting a line, etc is for you and your friends. Make sure you lock down your profile. Create groups with restricted access. Un-tag yourself. In this digital age, those embarrassing photos in your youth/now will come back to haunt you as they live on forever.
You never want to run into your boss while you are getting wasted at the local pub. It’s almost as weird as seeing your teacher outside of the classroom setting. But, when you see another side of them that you are normally not privy to, it can be quite the eye opener.
Now, I do not entirely agree with firing someone for what they do outside of work, but it does lend to what type of person they are. If some dude is addicted to crack and he drives a school bus, I think I would support random drug testing and getting them fired. How about the chiropractor who has an addiction to Oxycontin? Are they really the modest, diligent, conservative individual when you see pictures of them in a ho-esque outfit with white powder on the outside rim of their nose and HUGE dilated pupils? Maybe at work they ARE that person, but now that I know you can be that other person too, I’m not sure I can take your word of commitment seriously. You are just masquerading as a hardworker, when really you are a Pepsi head that comes in late 3 times a week.
Maybe you can balance both the party and the work world. Many people can. Who doesn’t need a break after a long, hard week? Why should you be punished for what you do on your own time when it doesn’t effect your work? You’re a Project Manager/Web Designer/Instructor/Accountant/Tech Support/Analyst/etc. No on is going to die if I go to a 3-day rave and go directly to work Monday.
It’s a slippery slope. But, somethings are just so obvious.
But, if you’re killed someone due to Drinking and Driving, I don’t want you driving the subway. If you’ve O.D. but were brought back, I don’t think you should work as a counselor at a rehab clinic. If you leave your elderly mom in an uninsulated garage while you live in the house, your compassion and empathy are not meeting standards required to work as a director at an old age home.
But, once your honour/character comes into question, people will deal with you differently. Even those who say they don’t judge people. In the back of your mind you wonder if you can trust them after you read on thedirty.com that they blah, blah, blah. Which probably isn’t true, but that’s how haters hate with their rumours.
Don’t be your own idiot that sabotages yourself. Pictures of you toking, hitting the bong, snorting a line, etc is for you and your friends. Make sure you lock down your profile. Create groups with restricted access. Un-tag yourself. In this digital age, those embarrassing photos in your youth/now will come back to haunt you as they live on forever.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Mid-Point Weigh in: It's not looking good
Well we're in the long hall of things. I haven't been able to go to my exercise classes for several weeks due to Franklin's health complications. I could just use that as a scapegoat (which I TOTALLY AM), but if I was being honest, I could still exercise at home. I have a couple of Richard Simmond DVDs. Anyone feel to send me some exercise DVDs that they swear by send me a message via the CONTACT ME page on this blog. My big butt needs all the help I can get! LOL
So, as I'm chatting with Franklin this morning (don't you love the morning chats before the kids wake up?) and it went something like this:
Me: If I eat sensibly today I might have a chance to win the big weigh in today ($20)
Him: You should be eating sensibly every day
Me: It's been a little hard lately (rolls eyes) I feel like giving up.
Him: Don't give up. You're doing REALLY good.
Me: mmmhhmmm
Him: Your brother's probably just lost water. But, you've made a real difference. Really. You can tell the difference from when you first started. You're smaller. You look good (wiggles eyebrows)
Me: Ok. Shut up now. Your compliments are bordering on insults. So, Thank You and STFU now.
Us: (DWL)
(On queue, children wake up)
The ice cream, cake, cookies, pizza, burgers, double-double coffee, late night dinners, bowls of sugary cereal instead of my usual Shreddies with blueberries and skim milk for breakfast, these past few weeks are not going to help matters. I haven't gained (thank goodness), but I may have only lost 1/2-1 lb if I'm lucky.
We'll see soon enough.
So, as I'm chatting with Franklin this morning (don't you love the morning chats before the kids wake up?) and it went something like this:
Me: If I eat sensibly today I might have a chance to win the big weigh in today ($20)
Him: You should be eating sensibly every day
Me: It's been a little hard lately (rolls eyes) I feel like giving up.
Him: Don't give up. You're doing REALLY good.
Me: mmmhhmmm
Him: Your brother's probably just lost water. But, you've made a real difference. Really. You can tell the difference from when you first started. You're smaller. You look good (wiggles eyebrows)
Me: Ok. Shut up now. Your compliments are bordering on insults. So, Thank You and STFU now.
Us: (DWL)
(On queue, children wake up)
The ice cream, cake, cookies, pizza, burgers, double-double coffee, late night dinners, bowls of sugary cereal instead of my usual Shreddies with blueberries and skim milk for breakfast, these past few weeks are not going to help matters. I haven't gained (thank goodness), but I may have only lost 1/2-1 lb if I'm lucky.
We'll see soon enough.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Don't let others dictate your self-worth
No, I'm not talking 'self love' as Tweet sings it (listen to the song. good beat). I'm talking about loving yourself completely. O.k. Tweet's saying that too. LOL I love how Wikipedia defines self-love. "Self-love is the strong sense of respect for and confidence in oneself. Self-love can be taught in childhood through honesty, acceptance and unconditional love."
But, seriously, don't let anyone's actions and inaction, or words dictate what your self-worth is valued at. You work hard at being a good person. You turn the other cheek to all the adversaries you face. You make choices that although you don't want to make them, you know it is for the best. I'm not here to say thank you for not stealing, sleeping with some loser guy who tells you he loves you or spends a little cash on you to make you think you are special, or staying in school and making your best effort. Those are expected. You ARE special. At first glance, particularly when you are young, you feel very 'lucky' to have someone buy you things. Nothing in life is free. Sadly, a large percent of young male hormones are motivated by something. Is all I'm saying....something.
I wish I could explain other people's actions. Why they choose the things they do. How it affects people. Short term and long-term. But, I can't. I can't control what they do. But, I can focus on the positives in my life to know what they do will not bring me down or make me question my value. I have those who love me. Who support me. Who are proud of me. Those are the ones I will focus on. Those are the ones who will fill me heart. If I let the self-doubt creep in, I will shatter and cry. I just don't want to be there. Ever again.
I won't lie and say there are not moments of vulnerability. But, when those moments creep into you conscience, remember that you are never alone. You are a good person. You try your best. Be proud of yourself. No matter what mistakes (I prefer to call them a life lesson. No one is perfect. Mistakes have to happen to learn what works and what doesn't), you are still a fantastic, hardworking, funny, loving, honest, special, person.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Bad Breath
Please do not talk directly at me.
Stinky breath. Sometimes it's you. Sometimes it's the other person. How do you tell them without being offensive? I know it's me when I see someone do the old finger-under-the-nose bit. Really? The finger you've had up your butt smells better than my breath? I better try and inhale while I talk with my stank mouth. haha
Sometimes you just know your breath is not at its freshest. You've had some garlic, durian, onions or the old smoking and coffee combo. But, if you haven't opened your mouth for a couple of hours because you're working hard at your desk, then your mouth bacteria has been building up. You better hope the next person
that you talk to is on the phone!
When someone offers me gum I ALWAYS take it. They might be just being nice and sharing, but it could be that my breath stinks and I need it. You should take it too! I'm just saying...
On t.v. they always show people waking up in the morning and 'getting busy'. Is that real?? Morning breath is the most lethal of dragon breath. The plaque. The hours for the bacteria in your mouth to multiply. Sometimes I will blow my bad morning breath to wake Franklin up. Never funny to him. Although I'm cracking up. That's love. Or it's been to gether too long. Probably both.
What's worse is when someone is a close talker that has bad breath. You can feel their breath on your cheeks and the stink makes your eye water. And to top it off, if they are an acquaintance or worse, at an job interview where you have to be pleasant, how do you fake it and still get the job?
If you are a good friend, I am not above calling you out straight up. With an exaggerated "DAAAAAAAMN". That is a real friend. Someone who will tell you when you need help. Not, nodding polity and excuse myself to throw-up behind your back.
If you can't tell me to my face, please offer me gum. :)
Stinky breath. Sometimes it's you. Sometimes it's the other person. How do you tell them without being offensive? I know it's me when I see someone do the old finger-under-the-nose bit. Really? The finger you've had up your butt smells better than my breath? I better try and inhale while I talk with my stank mouth. haha
Sometimes you just know your breath is not at its freshest. You've had some garlic, durian, onions or the old smoking and coffee combo. But, if you haven't opened your mouth for a couple of hours because you're working hard at your desk, then your mouth bacteria has been building up. You better hope the next person
that you talk to is on the phone!
When someone offers me gum I ALWAYS take it. They might be just being nice and sharing, but it could be that my breath stinks and I need it. You should take it too! I'm just saying...
On t.v. they always show people waking up in the morning and 'getting busy'. Is that real?? Morning breath is the most lethal of dragon breath. The plaque. The hours for the bacteria in your mouth to multiply. Sometimes I will blow my bad morning breath to wake Franklin up. Never funny to him. Although I'm cracking up. That's love. Or it's been to gether too long. Probably both.
If you are a good friend, I am not above calling you out straight up. With an exaggerated "DAAAAAAAMN". That is a real friend. Someone who will tell you when you need help. Not, nodding polity and excuse myself to throw-up behind your back.
If you can't tell me to my face, please offer me gum. :)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Check Please!
I love going out to eat. Sharing a good meal and good conversation is just a win win situation for the body and the mind. Should a decadent dessert follow, my lips will not say no. Now, when the bill comes, who pays what? Your entree might have cost x.xx, but did you factor in tax AND tip? Don't just round up on your subtotal.
Now if we just take the bill and divide it up by the number of people at the table, that could work most of the time. But, for those who prefer to have several drinks with their meal, y'all are making out like bandits! I don't usually drink too much. One or two very rarely. And for those who get a full meal (alcoholic beverage, appetizer, entree, dessert, coffee), and your companion only has an entree, is splitting the bill in half fair?
Sometimes it's just easier to get separate bills.
Now, with family it's different. We just divide between families. Four families, than divide by four. Regardless of the number of people in a family. For that I think it all works out. Nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. It's family.
This reminds me of that episode on Friends about splitting the bill. So true.
Now, lets say you go to get take out. Everyone seems to have dispersed while you wait except you. Bathroom. Buy alcohol next door. Buy pantyhose at the Shoppers next door. The food is ready and you pay the $100+ bill. You figure everyone will chip in at some point. But, as the night wears on no one has offered up any cash. Do you say something? Do you just catch them next time? I hate that.
Let's take it that same idea, but apply it to concert tickets (or something just as expensive). Buying tickets for several people and then trying to collect from them all is just a hassle and expensive. Don't make me have to chase you down. Remind you several times. And then 'forget' about it. You are being a total dead beat douche bag. Sound familiar? Are you that person?? If someone other than you takes on the responsibility to put it on their credit card or pay for the total, you should pay them back asap. What makes you so special that we have to pay for every interaction with you?? You wonder why no one volunteers to rent the car for the road trip? Because of idiots. Are we grown? Are we adults? Maybe I just know too many "ghetto" people. When I ask for the money up front, it's because I've been burned too many times. Thanks deadbeats. You've ruined my generosity for most.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Victims of Rape are NEVER to Blame
Today, Toronto, Ontario, Canada held a ‘SlutWalk’, attracting 1500 participants that was sparked by an officer that told a York University law class on Jan. 24 that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” There’s tons of quotes that were documented in the news, but one in part in particular that also outraged me was by Police Chief Bill Blair. “I don’t think the officer meant any offense,”.
The cop who said it is dead wrong, but the fact that the police chief sweeps it under the rug that he didn’t mean any offense and that the officer is “inexperienced” and added that he uttered “something stupid and he’s apologized” just condones this type of outdated, ridiculous, outrages, condescending attitude. He has put words to his assumptions about victims who have been raped. And his boss who sets the tone for the organization gives it a ‘boys will be boys’ juvenile acceptance.
This is not a passing attitude lately. Florida Republican State Representative Kathleen Passidomo said:
“There was an article about an 11-year-old girl who was gang raped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed like a 21-year-old prostitute. And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it’s incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn’t happen to our students.” (quoted from the frisky.com)
I don’t care what the hell someone is wearing no one wants to be raped. If it was their daughter, sister, aunt, mom, grandmother, or friend, would they still feel the same way? The fact that they utter those words proves their true feelings, assumptions, and misconceptions about why woman are raped. These idiots are the ones who hold power after the horrific ordeal. They are the ones who make the laws that the idiots have to follow. This is a trickle effect that I thought was eradicated.
Currently in the trial of Christopher Hurd who brutally raped Loretta Lavalley pleaded guilty of murdering her, but not to first-degree murder (intent to kill). This poor woman's rape was recorded for 18 minutes during her 911 call and her screams, pleading for her life, and even the police banging on the door are recorded. His defense is that he was under the influence of drugs. You spoke to police officer just minutes before you committed the heinous crime! You were sober and coherent enough to explain yourself. Someone please kill this guy.
Woman, as far as you think we have evolved in society, think again. A 14-yr old girl was charged with adultery, not rape, and was lashed to death in Bangladesh. It was only 92 years ago, in 1918, when women had the same voting rights as men in federal elections.
I am quite passionate of my disdain for the attitudes and actions that condone rape. I was ranting to a few fellows I know, and they tried to agree that the officer meant to warn the young university girls, and he was not a total a-hole. Their comparison was someone should not pin $100 dollar bills to their body and walk down a ghetto area at 3am and think they won’t be robbed. Really?! OMG!
Let’s focus our energy on telling men to keep their penis in their pants, and when someone says NO, it means NO. If the person is underage, yes still means no. They are too young to consent. It gave me the creeps when I was young and some “old” man would check me out. It’s not a compliment you dirty mofo. And if someone is so intoxicated, their yes, should mean no to you. Their silence from being passed out is no.
Teach your sons. School your brothers Do not sit silently when you hear your buddies joke. Rape is not joke.
Over Scheduled
I don’t recall the obscene amount of homework in elementary school as they have today. I see my niece have homework everyday and she’s only in grade 2! We gradually got into ballet, jazz, gymnastics, piano lessons, and guitar lessons. Not all
Allergic Reaction
Scary. If it is only one word I could use to describe seeing my baby’s eyes start to swell, red blotches appear on his cheeks, neck, arms, behind his ears, around his lips and the irritable crying and scratching of his face.
It couldn’t be the banana. He’s had it before. Not his favourite compared to the sweet potato, but he didn’t have a reaction like this. If I was to play Columbo (he was an old detective from a show back in the day), I would deduce that it was the Milupa rice cereal that I mixed in with the banana. It was the first time that I’ve used it. When I introduced rice cereal for the first time before, I used a different brand. Gerber I think. I can’t recall since it was my mom who did some grocery shopping for me for a couple of weeks while I had both kids and Franklin was going through his complications.
Considering Franklin had allergies when he was young (he grew out of all of them, but he did have to take allergy needles once a week for several years) I have been following the general rule when introducing food to your baby. Feeding him one food every 4-7 days to see if there is a reaction before introducing a new food. Once all foods (except honey, peanuts, high nitrate vegetables, etc) are sampled, you can start combining foods. Then the flavour bonanza really begins.
But, I digress. We first called Emergency. Then they directed us to telehealth (1-866-797-0000) to speak to a registered nurse to help us decipher if we should go to Emergency, doctor’s office, or stay put. Since his breathing did not seem impaired and after several other questions, she recommended giving him Benedryl. We decided to go to the doctor’s office. Emergency would be several hours, his breathing did not seem impaired, his lips were not turning blue, and I wanted to at least have a medical professional see him.
As soon as he saw him, our doctor said ordered for us to have him tested for allergies right away and get him some benedryl. Stop feeding him bananas, the new rice cereal, and avocado (he had some a little bit of blotches on his skin). Seeing him in the daylight, he looked worse that I thought. Both of his eyes were red and swollen. But, at least he was not crying and was laughy baby again. The doctor said to give him 7ml. The benedryl bottle said 2.5ml/dose. We gave him 5ml. After a few hrs he was looking better. His eyes were still a bit swollen, but he seemed to be on the mend.
I am not looking forward to him going through an allergy test when he is so young. It is a necessary evil to scratch his tender skin.

Now, I’m a little freaked out to move onto the next food. Hopefully, butternut squash is not a problem.
Gave him another dose (3ml) and it’s almost all cleared up. Thank God.
This makes me re-think the ‘no nuts at school’ rules they have. Is it fair? How about if it’s one kid out of a school of 100? I remember some of the teenage baby-mama’s I knew who would complain right left and centre. They would argue that peanut butter was the only thing their kid would eat or it was the only thing that would be affordable for them since the baby-daddy didn’t pay up. Why stop only allowing peanuts? Should they ban other foods also?
I just know that I support it. Peanuts are in many snacks or may be in a contact due to the way it is made in the factory. It’s not worth the risk to our little kid’s life. I pray Lucas doesn’t have that problem. Carrying around an epi pen to save his life sounds very scary. I feel for those kids and parents now. You just never know what or when it may happen.
It couldn’t be the banana. He’s had it before. Not his favourite compared to the sweet potato, but he didn’t have a reaction like this. If I was to play Columbo (he was an old detective from a show back in the day), I would deduce that it was the Milupa rice cereal that I mixed in with the banana. It was the first time that I’ve used it. When I introduced rice cereal for the first time before, I used a different brand. Gerber I think. I can’t recall since it was my mom who did some grocery shopping for me for a couple of weeks while I had both kids and Franklin was going through his complications.
Considering Franklin had allergies when he was young (he grew out of all of them, but he did have to take allergy needles once a week for several years) I have been following the general rule when introducing food to your baby. Feeding him one food every 4-7 days to see if there is a reaction before introducing a new food. Once all foods (except honey, peanuts, high nitrate vegetables, etc) are sampled, you can start combining foods. Then the flavour bonanza really begins.
But, I digress. We first called Emergency. Then they directed us to telehealth (1-866-797-0000) to speak to a registered nurse to help us decipher if we should go to Emergency, doctor’s office, or stay put. Since his breathing did not seem impaired and after several other questions, she recommended giving him Benedryl. We decided to go to the doctor’s office. Emergency would be several hours, his breathing did not seem impaired, his lips were not turning blue, and I wanted to at least have a medical professional see him.
As soon as he saw him, our doctor said ordered for us to have him tested for allergies right away and get him some benedryl. Stop feeding him bananas, the new rice cereal, and avocado (he had some a little bit of blotches on his skin). Seeing him in the daylight, he looked worse that I thought. Both of his eyes were red and swollen. But, at least he was not crying and was laughy baby again. The doctor said to give him 7ml. The benedryl bottle said 2.5ml/dose. We gave him 5ml. After a few hrs he was looking better. His eyes were still a bit swollen, but he seemed to be on the mend.
Now, I’m a little freaked out to move onto the next food. Hopefully, butternut squash is not a problem.
Gave him another dose (3ml) and it’s almost all cleared up. Thank God.
This makes me re-think the ‘no nuts at school’ rules they have. Is it fair? How about if it’s one kid out of a school of 100? I remember some of the teenage baby-mama’s I knew who would complain right left and centre. They would argue that peanut butter was the only thing their kid would eat or it was the only thing that would be affordable for them since the baby-daddy didn’t pay up. Why stop only allowing peanuts? Should they ban other foods also?
I just know that I support it. Peanuts are in many snacks or may be in a contact due to the way it is made in the factory. It’s not worth the risk to our little kid’s life. I pray Lucas doesn’t have that problem. Carrying around an epi pen to save his life sounds very scary. I feel for those kids and parents now. You just never know what or when it may happen.
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